About Us
Hello! I'm a young adult hailing from Brooklyn, NYC, and I have an unwavering love for games and design. To put it simply, I'm a creator who can customize just about anything. My fascination with games began when I was a child and has since evolved into what you now know as Honest Abe Unlimited. I once went by Honest Abe Games, but with a world of dreams and aspirations ahead, I decided to go Unlimited. I'm an unabashed fan of dragons (yes, I firmly believe they exist), and my deep love for the entire fantasy genre often finds its way into my game designs. But don't be discouraged if it all sounds a bit too nerdy for you; I create with a wide audience in mind. Embarking on this Unlimited journey, my goal is to offer logo design services alongside a collection of tabletop games. I've had the privilege of crafting logos for businesses like Casa de Comida (incredible food, by the way, if you happen to be in the Pittsburgh area) and others. While I may not have the most extensive experience, I compensate with unwavering dedication. Now residing in Ohio with my wonderful wife, Sarah, and our beloved dog, Lyla, I believe it's the perfect moment to embark on this adventure. As part of this Unlimited Journey I have also added some event services. If there's something specific you'd like to see or discuss, feel free to shoot me a message in the Contact Us section. I'm always eager to explore new ideas and creations.Thank you for spending your time here and considering any purchase you might make. Enjoy your stay!